A conceptual framework
Girls’ sexuality and child, early, and forced marriages and unions:
A conceptual framework

The conceptual framework
The conceptual framework illustrates the link between gendered social norms, control of girls’ sexuality, and child, early, and forced marriages and unions. The framework describes how gender-transformative approaches in programming and advocacy can deconstruct these social norms to prevent CEFMU and advance girls’ rights and agency.
The conceptual framework is available in three languages: English, Spanish, and French.
The webinar and other materials from the launch of the framework are available here.
Note to donors on girls’ sexuality and child, early, and forced marriages and unions
The note to donors is intended to support funders’ understanding of control of sexuality as a driver of CEFMU, and what their critical role can be in addressing this. The note includes specific recommendations for funders to encourage their investment in initiatives, systems and services that support girls’ agency and autonomy and address control of adolescent girls’ sexuality.
The note to donors is available in English.